The regulations on the use of animals for scientific purposes derive from the European Directive 2010/63, transposed into national law by Decree 2013-118 and associated with several orders. This legislative and regulatory framework is one of the most demanding in the world. It is based primarily on the principle of the 3Rs, which consists of replacing animal models when possible, reducing the numbers used in studies and improving their conditions when used.
More specifically, the regulations reinforce and clarify the conditions for the use of non-human primates for scientific purposes, limiting their use to fundamental and medical research into serious and debilitating diseases, and, only when it is impossible to use species from another taxonomic order. In addition, is the obligation to produce a retrospective study at the end of each scientific project. Finally, facilities housing non-human primates are systematically inspected each year by sworn personnel from the DDPP (Departmental Population Protection Agency).
The SILABE platform, as a user, breeder and supplier of animals for scientific purposes, complies with all these regulations and has the authorisations and certifications proving this compliance and allowing it to carry out its activities.
The staff working with and caring for the animals have the required training and skills for both the species present and the activities carried out on site. Their qualifications and skills are documented and recorded in individual skills booklets which are made available to the competent supervisory authorities when required.
The animal housing facilities and premises are certified and are inspected annually by state services.
The animals used come from verified and approved breeding farms. They are not taken from the wild and in no way does their use endanger wild populations.
All research projects involving the use of animals are subject to approval from an independent ethics committee and are conditional on obtaining authorisation from the Ministry of Higher Education and Research.
For more information on animal testing regulations, click here :