Non-Human Primates in Biomedical Research

Through the continued progress made in research, alternative methods to the use of animal models do exist and others are currently being developed. Nevertheless, animal research remains an indispensable component of biomedical research that aims to combat the countless diseases that affect humans and animals. As such, both European and French regulations require the use of animal models in the development of drugs.

As a result of the Nuremberg trial in 1947, and following numerous terrible incidents in the beginning of the 20th century caused by drugs whose toxicology had not been tested (or not sufficiently tested) on the animal model, European and even international regulations were tightened. These regulations require the scientific evaluation of the pharmacological activity on an animal model carrying the disease as well as the toxicological evaluation of any proposed drug on at least two animal models before proceeding to tests on humans.

The use of non-human primates is extremely limited (usually restricted to vaccine candidates) and represents less than 0.5% of all animal research.

Major discoveries and scientific advances on diseases such as cancer, AIDS, tuberculosis, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Zika or Ebola have been achieved thanks to the non-human primate model, thus improving treatment and patient care.


Ci-dessous une liste non exhaustive des grandes découvertes :


1928 :Pathogénèse du typhus
1936 :Vaccin contre la fièvre jaune
1940 :

Découverte du facteur rhésus et notion de groupes sanguins

1948-1954 :Travaux sur la poliomyélite, vaccin
1960 :Développement du vaccin contre la rougeole
1975 :Interaction entre les virus oncogènes et le génome
1976 :Premier vaccin contre l’Hépatite B
1981 :Traitement des informations visuelles par le cerveau
2008 :Découverte et travaux sur le HIV
2000-2015 :Travaux de recherche sur la tétraplégie
Depuis 2020 :Développement de vaccins contre le Covid 19