Simian Laboratory Europe - SILABE - University of Strasbourg fr Simian Laboratory Europe - SILABE - University of Strasbourg Sun, 03 Nov 2024 09:48:41 +0100 Sun, 03 Nov 2024 09:48:41 +0100 TYPO3 EXT:news news-15872 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:15:00 +0100 Documentary film Au nom de la Science, released on December 14th 2023 on France 3 Grand Est TV /en/actualites/news-article/documentary-film-au-nom-de-la-science-released-on-december-14th-2023-on-france-3-grand-est-tv For the first time, cameras film Silabe’s staff and animals in immersion. In this documentary film, discover the daily life of the men and women who work in contact with animals for research, follow them in their missions where they talk to you about their commitment and their convictions. Coproduction France 3 Grand Est/ France Télévisions/ Real Productions A film written by Francis Orny and Jean-Michel Dury. The film is followed by a debate on animal experimentation. Documentary film - Au nom de la Science :


Debate - DEBADOC, The animal experiments in question :

news-15876 Fri, 15 Dec 2023 14:15:00 +0100 DEBADOC, The animal experiments in question, released on december 14th 2023, on France 3 Grand Est TV /en/actualites/news-article/debadoc-the-animal-experiments-in-question-released-on-december-14th-2023-on-france-3-grand-est-tv For the first time, cameras filmed Silabe’s staff and animals in immersion. Following the broadcast of the documentary film Au nom de la Science, DEBADOC in debate on France 3 Grand Est with the following guests: Pascal Ancé, Director of Silabe - Ivan Balansard, Veterinarian, Ethics Office and Animal Models of the CNRS, President of Gircor - Caroline Roose, MEP Greens Group/ European Free Alliance - Muriel Arnal, President of One Voice. Documentary film - Au nom de la Science :


Debate - DEBADOC, The animal experiments in question :

news-15562 Thu, 31 Aug 2023 09:00:00 +0200 Animal testing in Research - European Commission response to the European Citizens' Initiative (25/07/2023) /en/actualites/news-article/animal-testing-in-research-european-commission-response-to-the-european-citizens-initiative-25-07-2023 European Commission response to the European Citizens' Initiative (25/07/2023) :

If it “will continue to support research for the development of alternatives to animal testing in research and will explore the possibility of coordinating Member States' activities in this area”, it rules out the possibility of legislation in response to the citizens' initiative 'For cruelty-free cosmetics and a Europe without animal testing'. 'are pleased that the European Commission has adopted a sound and scientific approach'.


news-14497 Fri, 24 Jun 2022 08:50:00 +0200 Nicolas Herrenschmidt nous a quitté /en/actualites/news-article/nicolas-herrenschmidt-nous-a-quitte Nicolas Herrenschmidt, fondateur et Directeur du Centre de Primatologie pendant plus de 30 ans nous a quitté le 10 juin 2022.

« Un amoureux fou, un amateur éclairé - comme le décrivait le journal La Vie en 1983 – qui, à la force des bras, a créé le premier centre français de primatologie », un projet insolite qu’il a mené avec ferveur et passion.

C’est avec beaucoup d’émotion et une profonde tristesse que l’équipe du site a appris sa disparition. Il restera dans la mémoire de tous un grand Monsieur qui aura marqué de son empreinte l’histoire de la Primatologie, une personnalité hors du commun, un homme au grand coeur. Son humour et sa gentillesse ont marqué les esprits et il manquera à tous ceux qui ont travaillé à ses côtés et sous sa Direction.

Nos pensées vont à sa famille, son épouse, ses enfants et petits enfants.
